Monday, August 10, 2020

Be Part of Norland International


Direct selling method in which independent-agents serve as distributors of goods and services, and are encouraged to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting and training other independent agents.

In this method, a commission is earned on both the agent’s own sales revenue, as well as on the sales revenue of the sales-force recruited by the agent and his or her recruits (called downline). Also called multilevel marketing (MLM), cellular marketing, or by other such names, it is a multi-billion dollar worldwide industry that distributes practically any portable item.

About Norland:

Founded in 2008, Norland Industrial group is a large scale multinational industrial group which is involved in the health industry, medical cosmetology industry, direct selling industry and e-commerce industry. It is involved in many other areas including health management, medical services, international logistics and finance.

How to Join the Norland Nigeria Team
  1. ATTEND A NORLAND PRESENTATION. Attend a Norland Business Presentation. ...
  2. CHOOSE YOUR PRODUCTS: Based on your training (from Presentation), choose which products you would love to include in your order.
  5.  Register Online: Let your UPLINE (the person who introduced you to Norland) assist you with filling offline/online registration form. You need to get the relevant QC Codes after registration .
  6. Start Recruiting: Conclude your registration, get your chosen products and start recruiting others, which means to market the Norland Products and get paid from the different bonuses. Get assistance from Team Leader. 

How To Invest In Network Marketing Business

6 Investments You Should Make In Your Network Marketing Business.

Everyone loves the word free. And better yet, they love when they get something for free. But when it comes to starting a network marketing business, the road to success is not free.

No matter what you read or what a potential sponsor tells you, finding success in MLM… in network marketing is not free.

Like any business, there are investments you should make. Investments to better yourself, your brand and your network marketing business.

Investments #1: Time

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it. – Stephen R. Covey

I had to make this the top investment. And so many network marketers do not invest their time and wonder why they are not making money.

No matter if you are working your MLM business part or full time, you will have to set aside time on a daily basis to build the business.

The best way to ensure you are investing time is by making a plan of action. Plan out (in writing) how, and how much time you will work your business each day.

Investments #2: Education

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin

There is always something new to learn. I suggest that you invest in books, seminars, courses and more.

The more you learn about the industry, the business, etc., the better you will be at managing your network marketing business.

Investments #3: Blog/Website


One key to building a strong network marketing business is by building your brand. And in most cases, that brand is you.

The primary way network marketers build their brand is by purchasing a domain and hosting and starting a blog.

You can write about subjects related to products or services you sell in your network marketing business. In doing so, you can attract both customers and prospects.

Investments #4: Recruiting Tools

Ask any top earner from nearly any MLM company, they will probably tell you that 3rd party tools has been a key to their success.

Often, you can have prospects read, watch or listen to a 3rd party tool and they will be more apt to join you.

Investments #5: The Products

Another key investment is you using the products or services. By using the products, you show potential customers or recruits that you are a product of the product. You use and are faithful to the products your company sells.

Investments #6: Promotion

Promotional products can be a huge plus in growing your business. You might want to invest in:

  • Business cards

  • Fliers

  • Clothing that represents

  • Advertising

Like any business, you must spread your name and the word. The best way to do so is through various promotional strategies.

I also suggest you promote yourself on social media which is a time investment.


I want to provide you with one other piece of advice on an investment you should make in your network marketing business. Actually, Warren Buffet says it best:

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”

I hope this helps you grow your network marketing business.

You gotta invest to have success!


Network Marketing A Business Venture For Everyone


Many people are scared away from network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), because of all the myths and misunderstanding about this type of business. Part of negativity comes from reported low MLM success rates.1 However, a multi-level marketing business isn't destined to fail any more than any other business. Regardless of the home business, you start, success comes from doing the work to build it. 

Network marketing is one of the hottest retail industries out there. It functions on the idea that you sell products to people who in turn sell to other people who sell to other people . . . and so on. Network marketing programs feature a minimal upfront investment--usually a few hundred dollars or less for the purchase of a product sample kit--which gives you the opportunity to sell the product line directly to family, friends and other contacts. Most network programs also ask that you recruit other sales reps--those same family members, friends and acquaintances. These sales rep recruits constitute your 'down-line,' and their sales generate income for you. Then whoever they recruit becomes part of their down line as well as yours, generating income for them as well as for you. So the more people you bring on board, the better your income potential. If you're a sales-savvy type who can convince others of the beauty of this plan and keep them selling sales memberships (as well as products), you can earn a substantial amount of money. And you've got lots of network marketing plans to choose from. The most popular sell health supplements and beauty aids, but you can go with everything from long-distance phone services to fine art prints.

For some reason, many people don't view their MLM business as a business, like they would if they opened a franchise or started a business from scratch. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your success is to treat your MLM venture as the business it is. 
The advantages to this business are that start-up costs are minimal, hours are flexible, you can start part-time, and you can work from home. About the only thing you need in this business is a sense of salesmanship. If you've got a background in sales, you're ahead of the game, but if not, you can still succeed. Just make sure you believe in the products and the company you're working with. Honest enthusiasm goes a long way toward convincing others to buy.

The Market

Your customers will be anybody and everybody you know or meet. Most network marketers start off soliciting friends and family. If there are others working for the same company in your area, they may have organized weekly meetings at which salespeople and prospects gather to cheer each other on and sign up new members. If so, make it a point to attend with your own prospects. It's harder for people to decline your invitation to join in a room full of other enthusiastic newbies. In this business, it's important to keep your distributors selling. Don't sell them a membership and ignore them, or they're liable to drop down their link in the chain. Talk to them often about how they're doing. Go with them on sales calls to offer moral support and enthusiasm and help sign up prospects. Many network marketers sell via the party plan. It's easy and it's fun. Have a host or hostess invite friends to sample your products. You sell products, sign people up, and the party-giver gets a free gift or a discount on her purchases.

Needed Equipment

You don't need any special tools or equipment, except for a phone to keep in touch with your distributors, parent company and prospects, and a car to go out and sign people up and attend the weekly pep-talk meetings that are a feature of this business.





Why Your Church should invest in Social media marketing

Have you ever thought “Is social media important for my ministry? Should I invest my ministry’s time, effort and resources on social media right now?
You know that technology is important and social media is growing. You are able to see its potential. You hear about all the amazing things social media has done for other ministries. You see people tweeting, posting and ‘snapping around you. But you are really not sure if social media is the thing your ministry needs to focus on at this moment. Especially when there are a dozen other things you could do, which you are already familiar with.

Reasons your Church should Focus on Social Media Ministry.

1. Social media can help you be where your audience are

As a church, your job is to help & serve others. The question is, how can you serve someone if you do not go to or be where they are? Today, statistics shows that out of the 7 billion people in the world, 2.5 billion are on social media channels. That is 35% of the world’s population. If you and me, as ministers are not present in this platform, how can we serve and minister to the billions of people who congregate on social media?

2. Social media can help you influence

As custodians of God’s word, we are called to influence the world. We are the salt and light of the world. We are the yeast that is destined to influence the dough. We are the vessels that carry solutions to the world’s biggest problems. And social media is where people are asking the questions, looking for answers and spending time researching. Studies show that an average person spends close to 2 hours a day (118 minutes) on social media. If your ministry or church is not present on social media, how can you influence the people who are crowding around this space for hours?

3. Social media can help you educate

If you are in teaching ministry you should be on social media. Period. Social media is well suited for education from a technical and design perspective. Social media can specifically help your teaching ministry.

4. Social media can help you disciple

Discipline takes time. And time is a big challenge for people today. Even the ones who are keen to go through a discipleship program may have the heart, but not the time. If you structure your discipleship program around social media (where people spend time anyways) you have a higher chance of being effective.

Church Marketing Ideas to Retain and Attract Members


How to Grow a Church | Postcard-Magnets Blog     

Think that marketing is just a polite way of describing pushy advertising? Think again! Marketing is for far more than selling shoes and snickers. In fact, it can be the difference between dwindling attendances and a thriving church community. We outline some strategies to use in growing your church.

1. Start with Facebook, and go from there

You can’t get away with not having a social media presence these days, whether you set up accounts for a community organization, a business, or just for yourself. This applies to churches too. Communicating with church members and keeping people updated with the latest news are both easier than ever with social media.

Facebook Logo

 Facebook is a great place to start. You can invite people to events, and talk one to one or through group chats. And there simply isn’t an easier way to get your message in front of as many people as possible as with a Facebook post. Tapping into this potential is probably the best first step you can take, and once you’re comfortable with social media, you can always expand to other platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

2. Don’t stop at Sunday service

 There’s no use thinking of marketing strategies if you’ve nothing to market. That’s why it’s always a great idea to run small events outside of regular Sunday service. And if you have the room, to run big events as well. Of course, this could be anything that your local community has an interest in. The point is to really attract people outside of those hours to build a community around your church.

Church Marketing Events 

Running events, both regularly each week and on a one-off basis, gives you the opportunity to put your church in front of an audience. If all you have to advertise are regular services, that’s just not eye-catching enough to hook and reel in potential new members. But even with just basic events like car boot sales and games clubs, you can keep people’s interest- it’s a simple case of keeping things interesting!